The year 2012 was pivotal in starting my private practice. Within one week that February, I received phone calls from families in Florida, Colorado, and Iowa who were looking for a Christian psychiatrist who addresses spiritual issues in clinical practice. This prompted me to leave the hospital and start Veritas Psychiatry, to meet this need for the Christian community.
In my practice, after addressing mental health needs from a medical standpoint I might offer prayer and words of encouragement to those who are open to it. As the Holy Spirit leads me, words of knowledge, insights, and practical verses come to mind to encourage and build up my patients in their faith. I also exhort people to righteous living by addressing sin issues that hold them back from the freedom God has in store for them.
On occasion, people drive or fly here for consultations from out of state (Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Arkansas, Colorado) and from other countries (Norway, Qatar, Israel, and the Caribbean). I have also had some Amish and Mennonite patients for consultations and continued care. It is an honor, a privilege, and stewardship for me to be able to address spiritual issues that plague and torment some of the people God sends my way. It is wonderful and joyous to see them improve as we address their soul wounds from a Biblical perspective.